March 25th
Michelle High's house
(3020 Luminoso Ln./Sendero Springs).
The same rules still apply to Craft Night! Come and go when you can or want! Bring a Craft...or don't...Bring a Snack to share...or not! Whatever works for you!
HOWEVER...if you signed up for the Prophet and/or Apostle Book, this is the PERFECT night to work on them, as we will not be working on them at The Relief Society Meeting in March!
If you are interested in them you will need to email Randi Ostler (, or leave a comment on this post, and let her know which book you would like, and how many.
The Prophet book is $6.27 and the Apostle book is $5.89. If you order both of them it will be $12.16
These photos will need to be picked up and paid for by you at the Walgreens behind IKEA on University. You will also need a photo album to put them in. The pictures are 4x6. You can put them in (2) 4x6 photo albums or (1) large 4x6 album, or you could get (1-2) 5x7 books and mount the photos on card stock. Really, the options are endless!
Another craft option..if you're to decorate the egg carton for your "Easter Egg Lesson" that you would have done at the Relief Society Meeting. If would you like your egg carton decorated Michelle will have the Cricut set up, so you can bring some scrapbook paper and what ever else you would like to decorate your egg carton with.
But at the end of the day, we hope you just come to CRAFT NIGHT.....
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